- Fantastiske sandeltre ansiktspakker
- For tørr hud
- For fet hud
- For rynker
- For akne utsatt hud
- For kjedelig hud
- For flekker
- Sandeltre ansiktspakker for tørr hud
- 1. Sandalwood And Milk Face Pack
- Ingredienser
- Hvordan klargjøre og påføre ansiktspakke med sandeltre og melk?
- 2. Ansiktspakke med sandeltre, kokosnøtt og mandelolje
- Ingredienser
- Hvordan tilberede og påføre ansiktspakke med sandeltre, kokos og mandelolje?
- Sandeltre ansiktspakker for fet hud
- 3. Sandeltre, tomatjuice og Fuller's Earth Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Tomato Juice, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack?
- 4. Sandalwood And Orange Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Orange Face Pack?
- Sandalwood Face Packs For Wrinkles
- 5. Sandalwood, Lemon, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Lemon, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack?
- Sandalwood Face Packs For Acne Prone Skin
- 6. Sandalwood, Turmeric, And Camphor Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Turmeric, And Camphor Face Pack?
- 7. Sandalwood And Honey Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Honey Face Pack?
- Sandalwood Face Packs For Dull Skin
- 8. Sandalwood, Gram Flour, And Turmeric Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Gram Flour, And Turmeric Face Pack?
- 9. Sandalwood, Curd, And Honey Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Curd, And Honey Face Pack?
- Sandalwood Face Packs For Blemishes
- 10. Sandalwood And Rosewater Face Pack
- Ingredients
- How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Rosewater Face Pack?
Bruken av sandeltre eller chandan dateres tilbake til tusen år, ikke bare i India, men også i andre regioner rundt om i verden. Egyptere brukte sandeltre for sine medisinske egenskaper og i ritualer for å ære gudene sine, noe som ikke er mye forskjellig fra funksjonen i India. Det ble også mye brukt som en skjønnhetsingrediens i form av parfyme og såper. Det er en grunn til at det fortsatt er så populært - det fungerer faktisk! Les videre for å lære å innlemme sandeltre i skjønnhetsregimet ditt.
Fantastiske sandeltre ansiktspakker
For tørr hud
- Sandalwood And Milk Face Pack
- Sandeltre, kokosnøtt og mandelolje ansiktspakke
For fet hud
- Sandeltre og oransje ansiktspakke
For rynker
For akne utsatt hud
- Sandeltre, gurkemeie og kamfer ansiktspakke
- Sandalwood And Honey Face Pack
For kjedelig hud
- Sandeltre, Gram Mel og Gurkemeie Face Pack
- Sandalwood, Curd, And Honey Face Pack
For flekker
- Sandalwood And Rosewater Face Pack
La oss diskutere detaljert om hver type Chandan ansiktspakke.
Sandeltre ansiktspakker for tørr hud
Tørr hud er virkelig en bane for mange! Tørr, flassende hud ser ikke bare kjedelig ut, men eldes også raskere. Heldigvis kan du nå skjemme bort tørr hud med disse sandeltre ansiktspakker.
1. Sandalwood And Milk Face Pack
Bilde: Shutterstock
Bruk denne ansiktspakken tre ganger i uken for å oppnå optimale resultater. Sandeltre, melk og rosevann vil fungere sammen for å gjenopprette den naturlige PH-balansen i huden din. Dette vil fjerne tegn på tørr hud helt.
- Sandeltreolje
- 1 ts melkepulver
- Rose vann
Hvordan klargjøre og påføre ansiktspakke med sandeltre og melk?
1. Ta melkepulveret i en bolle og tilsett noen dråper sandeltreolje til den.
2. Tilsett rosevann så mye som nødvendig for å danne en jevn pasta.
3. Påfør pastaen på ansiktet og nakken og la den tørke i 15-20 minutter.
4. Vask av med kaldt vann. Fuktighet.
Tilbake til innholdsfortegnelsen
2. Ansiktspakke med sandeltre, kokosnøtt og mandelolje
Bilde: Shutterstock
Kokosnøtt og mandelolje, kombinert med sandeltre, vil bidra til å tilsette fuktighet i huden og forhindre brenning på grunn av tørrhet.
- 1 ts sandeltre pulver
- 1/4 ts kokosnøttolje
- 1/4 ts mandelolje
- Rose vann
Hvordan tilberede og påføre ansiktspakke med sandeltre, kokos og mandelolje?
1. Bland sandeltre pulver med kokosnøttolje og mandelolje for å lage en pasta.
2. Tilsett noen dråper rose vann etter behov.
3. Påfør ansiktet og nakken.
4. La pakken sitte i 15 til 20 minutter og vask den av med vann.
Tilbake til innholdsfortegnelsen
Sandeltre ansiktspakker for fet hud
Er det ikke utrolig at et enkelt produkt kan fungere for å slå både tørrhet og fethet? Bare finjuster ingrediensene litt, og voila, din tørrhetsstyrende ansiktspakke kan nå fungere som en oljekontroller!
3. Sandeltre, tomatjuice og Fuller's Earth Face Pack
Bilde: Shutterstock
Use this face pack every day to say goodbye to excess oil and dirt. This face pack is also a powerful alternative to anti-pollution face packs/face washes. Sandalwood, when combined with tomato (which is an astringent), penetrates deep into the skin. It cleans the pores of oil and dirt while removing whiteheads/blackheads, giving you a glowing and blemish-free skin.
- 1/2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of tomato juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
- Rose water
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Tomato Juice, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack?
1. Mix the sandalwood powder and tomato juice in a bowl. Blend well to avoid lumps.
2. Add the fuller’s earth to the mixture prepared in step 1 and mix well.
3. Add a few drops of rose water to obtain even consistency.
4. Apply on face and neck and leave to dry for 15 minutes.
5. Wipe using cotton dipped in ice cold water.
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4. Sandalwood And Orange Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
The orange powder helps to extract the skin of any excess oil. Combining it with sandalwood makes the skin glow as well.
- 1 teaspoon orange peel powder
- 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoon rose water
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Orange Face Pack?
1. Mix the orange peel and sandalwood powder.
2. To the dry mixture, add the rose water. You may add more if required. Create a paste-like consistency.
3. Apply to the face and neck.
4. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Wash off with water.
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Sandalwood Face Packs For Wrinkles
Sandalwood has antiseptic properties that help to repair damaged cells. This makes your skin appear brighter and younger.
5. Sandalwood, Lemon, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
- 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
- 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of rose water
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Lemon, And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack?
1. Mix the sandalwood powder and fuller’s earth.
2. To the dry mixture, add the lemon juice and rose water. Mix well to form a paste.
3. Apply it evenly on the face and neck.
4. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with water.
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Sandalwood Face Packs For Acne Prone Skin
Incomplete knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all. Some people believe that only oily skin is prone to acne. This is not true. Dry skin too can get acne. Natural skin processes trigger oil secretion in dry skin, since it gets a signal from the brain to combat dryness. It traps oil in skin pores, which results in acne. This sandalwood face pack for acne will be the ultimate savior for people suffering from acne and pimples.
6. Sandalwood, Turmeric, And Camphor Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
This works wonders for acne and acne-prone skin. It not only fights active acne, but also works to prevent acne scarring and blackheads.
- 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- Camphor powder
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Turmeric, And Camphor Face Pack?
1. Combine the sandalwood, turmeric, and a pinch of camphor powder.
2. To the dry ingredients, add in the required amount of water to form a paste.
3. Apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.
4. Wash off with cold water.
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7. Sandalwood And Honey Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
Use this face pack twice a day. Honey fights off pimple causing microbes, while sandalwood and rose petals (water) reduce oil, clear blemishes, and provide radiance.
- 3/4 teaspoon sandalwood powder
- 1 teaspoon powdered rose petals (or rose water if the powder isn’t available)
- Honey
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Honey Face Pack?
1. Mix the powdered rose petals (sufficient drops of rose water) with sandalwood powder.
2. Add a few drops of honey to the mixture from step 1 and mix to make a paste.
3. Apply the pack on the face and neck. Leave to dry for 20 minutes.
4. Wash with tap water.
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Sandalwood Face Packs For Dull Skin
I am pretty sure all of us want skin free from pollutants. No one wants dull skin, right? Sandalwood is the answer to your wish of having bright and glowing skin. Sandalwood works as an anti-tanning agent and gives you fresh looking skin.
8. Sandalwood, Gram Flour, And Turmeric Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
Use this face pack daily to reveal brighter skin. The other benefits you can notice with regular use of this sandalwood face pack are reduced wrinkles and spots, and even skin tone.
- 1/2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder (for people with oily skin) or 8 to 10 drops of sandalwood oil (for people with dry or sensitive skin)
- 2 teaspoons of gram flour
- Rose water
- A pinch of turmeric
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Gram Flour, And Turmeric Face Pack?
1. Take 1/2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder/ 8 to 10 drops of sandalwood oil and mix it with 2 teaspoons of gram flour.
2. Add a few drops of rose water and a pinch of turmeric and mix well.
3. Apply on the face and neck and leave to dry for 30 minutes.
4. Wash using tap water.
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9. Sandalwood, Curd, And Honey Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
This is a great pack for detanning, as sandalwood works excellently to remove impurities and harshness caused by the sun’s harmful rays. Curd acts as a cooling agent and keeps your skin soft.
- 1 tablespoon sandalwood
- 1 teaspoon sour curd
- 1/2 teaspoon honey
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood, Curd, And Honey Face Pack?
1. Combine the sandalwood and curd to form a paste.
2. Add in the honey and mix well.
3. Apply the pack on the face and neck.
4. Leave it on for about half an hour to one hour.
5. Wash off with water.
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Sandalwood Face Packs For Blemishes
This pack helps lighten blemishes and evens out the skin tone. It also helps in removing prickly heat quickly, which can usually occur due to excessive sweating.
10. Sandalwood And Rosewater Face Pack
Image: Shutterstock
This is one of the easiest packs ever and makes use of only sandalwood. Sandalwood by itself can do wonders for the skin.
- Rose water
- 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder
How To Prepare and Apply Sandalwood And Rosewater Face Pack?
1. Add the rose water as needed to the sandalwood powder.
2. Create a paste and apply to the face and neck.
3. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
4. Wash it off with water.
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Click the following image to get complete infographic on Chandan face packs for different skin types.
Sandalwood, if used properly, can put an end to all your skin troubles. There’s something in it for everyone. It is the one-stop solution for all your skincare woes! Give these face packs a try and don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments section below.