- Fordeler med Henna Hair Packs
- 1. Forbedrer hodebunnen
- 2. Forbedrer hårfarge
- 3. Lindrer oksidativt stress
- 4. Betingelser håret ditt
- 5. Reparerer skader og styrker håret
- 6. Balanserer pH og oljeproduksjon
- 7. Fremmer hårvekst og fortauskanter hårtap
- Hvordan bruke Henna til hårpleie
- 1. Henna And Amla Hair Pack
- 2. Henna-, egg- og ostemassehårpakke
- 3. Henna And Banana Hair Pack
- 4. Henna And Multani Mitti Hair Pack
- 5. Henna And Coffee Hair Color Pack
- 6. Henna And Coconut Milk
- 7. Henna And Fenugreek Hair Pack
- 8. Henna And Lemon Juice Hair Pack
- 9. Henna And Hibiscus Leaves Hair Pack
- Side Effects Of Henna
- 14 kilder
Håret ditt består av keratinproteiner som holder det sterkt (1). Men disse proteinene kan bli skadet på grunn av UV-stråler, oksidativt stress, kjemikalier, oppvarmingsverktøy, vær og forurensning (2), (3). En hårpakke, også kjent som en hårmaske, kan hjelpe til med å forynge og reparere håret ditt. Men med så mange hårpakker på markedet, hvorfor skal du velge en henna hårpakke? Les videre for å finne ut.
Fordeler med Henna Hair Packs
Henna er ingrediens for hårfarging av nesten alle naturlige hårpleieentusiaster. Men visste du at henna kan gjøre mye mer enn bare å farge håret ditt? Denne allsidige ingrediensen for hårpleie kan brukes til å opprettholde den generelle helsen til håret. Konditionering, reparasjon av skader og balansering av pH-nivåer er bare noen av de mange fordelene som henna tilbyr (4).
Les videre for å finne ut hvordan henna hjelper til med å forbedre hårets helse og hvordan du kan innlemme det i hårpleierutinen din.
1. Forbedrer hodebunnen
Henna hjelper til med å forbedre og opprettholde hodebunnen med sine avkjølende, soppdrepende og antimikrobielle egenskaper (5). Det hjelper til med å berolige den forverrede og kløende hodebunnen mens den også behandler problemer som flass, irritasjon i hodebunnen og andre soppinfeksjoner (6).
2. Forbedrer hårfarge
Henna er et velkjent naturlig hårfarge, men det kan også forbedre hårets naturlige pigment og forhindre for tidlig gråfarging av håret (7).
3. Lindrer oksidativt stress
Oksidativt stress er forårsaket av ubalanse i produksjonen av frie radikaler. Det forårsaker hårtap, hårskader, brudd og for tidlig gråning av håret. Henna har antioksidantegenskaper som hjelper til med å redusere oksidativt stress (8).
4. Betingelser håret ditt
En palestinsk studie viser at henna har hårkondisjoneringsegenskaper (9). Dette er fordi henna hjelper til med å forsegle hårsekkene slik at den kan beholde fuktighet. Koble den med ingredienser som egg eller yoghurt for å forbedre effekten.
5. Reparerer skader og styrker håret
Henna er ekstremt nærende, noe som hjelper til med å reparere skader i hårskaftet. Det forbedrer også hårets elastisitet og styrke, noe som hindrer håret i å bryte av. Dette hjelper også med å reparere og forhindre splittede ender (9).
6. Balanserer pH og oljeproduksjon
Henna er en av de beste ingrediensene du kan bruke til fet hår. Det hjelper til med å berolige overivrige talgkjertler, og derved kontrollere oljeproduksjonen. Det hjelper også med å gjenopprette pH i hodebunnen til dets naturlige syre-alkaliske nivå. Dette bidrar til å styrke hårsekkene.
7. Fremmer hårvekst og fortauskanter hårtap
Henna fordeler hodebunnen ved å forbedre follikelhelsen. Dette vil igjen dempe håret og øke hastigheten som håret vokser på.
Alle disse fordelene gjør henna til en utmerket ingrediens for hårpleie. Fortsett å lese for å kjenne til de 9 forskjellige måtene du kan innlemme henna i hårpleierutinen din.
Hvordan bruke Henna til hårpleie
- Henna og Amla hårpakke
- Henna-, egg- og ostemassehårpakke
- Henna Og Banan Hårpakke
- Henna And Multani Mitti Hair Pack
- Henna og kaffe hårfargepakke
- Henna Og Kokosmelk
- Henna And Fenugreek Hair Pack
- Henna og sitronsaft hårpakke
- Henna And Hibiscus Leaves Hair Pack
Du kan få mange hennahårspakker på det lokale supermarkedet eller salongen. Men hvis du vil lage en selv, er det noen oppskrifter med hennahårspakke som du kan prøve hjemme hos deg.
1. Henna And Amla Hair Pack
Dette er en proteinfylt, nærende hårpakke som demper hårfallet og fremmer hårveksten. Egg er rike på protein, noe som er viktig for hårets helse. Bukkehornkløver reduserer hårtap og tømmer hodebunnen, mens henna og amla pulver demper hårtap (9).
Du vil trenge
- 1 kopp amla pulver
- 3 ss henna pulver
- 2 ss fenegreekpulver
- 1 eggehvite
- 1 sitron
45 minutter - 1 time
- Lag en pasta av tre ss henna, en kopp amla og to ss fenegreekpulver ved å tilsette litt vann i blandingen.
- Tilsett en eggehvite og saften fra en sitron til pastaen.
- La blandingen trekke i en time.
- Påfør denne blandingen på håret ditt, start fra røttene og arbeid det gjennom hele hårlengden.
- La den stå i omtrent 45 minutter til en time.
- Vask håret med en mild sulfatfri sjampo og kaldt vann. Ikke bruk varmt vann, da dette kan ende opp med å koke egget i hårpakken.
Hvor ofte?
En gang i uken.
2. Henna-, egg- og ostemassehårpakke
This hair pack makes your hair glossy and much more manageable. It is rich in proteins and has conditioning properties. It acts as a mild cleanser that removes impurities from your hair and follicles without drying the scalp too much.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons henna powder
- 1 tablespoon shikakai powder
- 1 tablespoon curd
- 1 whole egg
Processing Time
45 minutes – 1 hour
- Make a paste out of two tablespoons of henna and one tablespoon of shikakai powder by adding a little bit of water to the mix.
- Let this paste soak overnight. In the morning, add one egg and a tablespoon of curd to the soaked henna mix.
- Apply this mix to your hair, starting at the roots and working it through the entire length of your hair.
- Leave it on for about 45 minutes to an hour.
- Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool water.
- Do not use hot water as this can end up cooking the egg in the hair pack.
How Often?
Once a week.
3. Henna And Banana Hair Pack
This hair pack helps make your hair glossy and more manageable. Banana helps in reducing split-ends and conditioning your hair (9).
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons henna
- 1 ripe banana
Processing Time
5 minutes
- Dilute two tablespoons of henna with water to get a thick paste.
- Let this soak overnight. (You can also use leftover henna for this mask.)
- In the morning, mash a ripe banana in a bowl and add the soaked henna to it. Set this aside.
- Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and switch your conditioner with the henna banana mix.
- Apply the mixture to damp hair and leave it in for about 5 minutes.
- Rinse your hair out with cool or lukewarm water.
How Often?
Once a week.
4. Henna And Multani Mitti Hair Pack
This hair pack is ideal for curbing hair loss caused due to oily scalps. Multani mitti helps cleanse your scalp by removing grease, dirt, and impurities (10).
Note: Avoid this remedy if you have sinusitis, migraine, rhinitis, or asthma as it may trigger symptoms.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons henna
- 2 tablespoons Multani mitti
Processing Time
7-8 hours
- Mix two tablespoons each of Multani mitti and henna with some water to get a smooth, consistent paste.
- Apply this pack to your hair before you go to bed. Wrap your hair in an old towel that you wouldn’t mind getting stained.
- Leave the hair pack in overnight. Wash the hair pack out in the morning with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
5. Henna And Coffee Hair Color Pack
While henna, by itself, imparts an orange-red color to your hair, this coffee-henna mixture dyes your hair to a dark brunette (7).
You Will Need
- 5 tablespoons henna
- 1 tablespoon instant black coffee
- 1 cup water
- Aluminum foil
Processing Time
3-4 hours
- Boil a cup of water and a tablespoon of instant coffee powder in a pot.
- Let the decoction boil for a couple of minutes before turning off the flame.
- While the coffee is still warm, slowly pour it into a bowl containing five tablespoons of henna powder. Mix well to ensure that the paste is free of any lumps.
- Section your hair and start applying the henna and coffee mixture to it. Ensure that you cover your roots well.
- Once your hair is fully covered in the mix, leave it on for 3-4 hours.
- You can cover your hair with a shower cap and hot towel to improve the efficiency of the pack.
- Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool/lukewarm water.
- Proceed to condition your hair.
How Often?
Once a month.
6. Henna And Coconut Milk
This is an ideal henna pack for those with extremely dry hair. Coconut milk is a widely used ingredient in shampoos and conditioners due to its nourishing and strengthening properties (11).
You Will Need
- 10 tablespoons henna powder
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
Processing Time
1 hour
- Warm a cup of coconut milk and 10 tablespoons of henna powder and four tablespoons of olive oil to it.
- Mix well until it is free of lumps and you get a smooth, consistent paste.
- Apply this hair pack to your scalp and hair.
- Leave it in for an hour and then wash it off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
- Condition your hair.
How Often?
Once a week.
7. Henna And Fenugreek Hair Pack
This is another wonderful hair pack for improving scalp health. It tackles dandruff while also moisturizing your hair (9).
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons henna powder
- 1/2 cup fenugreek seeds
- 1 cup curd
- 1 lemon
Processing Time
45 minutes
- Mix a cup of curd and half a cup of fenugreek seeds in a bowl and leave it to soak overnight.
- Grind the mixture into a smooth paste and add four tablespoons of henna powder and juice from one lemon to it.
- Mix the concoction well. Apply this pack to your scalp and hair.
- Leave it on for about 45 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool/lukewarm water.
- Finish with a conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
8. Henna And Lemon Juice Hair Pack
This hair pack helps color your hair and covers grays. If you want a brown color, rather than an orange-red, you can substitute the green tea with black coffee. This pack is ideal for people with oily scalps. Green tea can help in stimulating hair growth (12).
You Will Need
- 1 cup henna powder
- 1 cup freshly brewed green tea
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Processing Time
3 hours
- Add a cup of henna powder to a cup of freshly brewed green tea while it is still warm.
- Mix well to get a smooth, consistent paste and let it sit overnight.
- In the morning, add two tablespoons of lemon juice to the paste and mix well.
- Apply this to your scalp and hair and leave it on for about 3 hours.
- Wash your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool/lukewarm water.
- Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a month.
9. Henna And Hibiscus Leaves Hair Pack
This hair pack can help control dandruff and maintain scalp health. Hibiscus was shown to aid hair growth in rat studies (13).
You Will Need
- A handful of henna leaves
- A handful of hibiscus leaves
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Processing Time
20 minutes
- Grind a handful of henna and hibiscus leaves together to get a smooth, consistent paste. You can add a little water to the mixture in case it is too thick.
- Add a tablespoon of lemon to the henna and hibiscus paste and mix well.
- Apply this hair pack to your scalp and hair.
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse your hair with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool/lukewarm water.
How Often?
Once a week.
Try any of these above packs to improve hair health.
How To Wash The Henna Off Your Hair
- Flip your hair over.
- Pour some warm water over your hair and massage the henna off your hair with a scalp massager comb. It will remove any gritty pieces of henna. Be gentle when you do this.
- Use a conditioner to get any remaining henna out of your hair.
- Rinse your hair with cold water.
Though henna is known to be safe for most adults, it has a few side effects.
Side Effects Of Henna
- A study showed that red henna (most common) could cause allergic dermatitis due to its active ingredient lawsone. It can also cause life-threatening hemolysis in children with G6PD deficiency (14).
- Black henna contains PPD (p-phenylenediamine). It can cause skin irritation and allergies (14).
Hvem visste at henna kunne brukes til så mye mer enn bare å fargelegge hår? Inkluder disse henna-pakkene i hårpleierutinen for å øke hårets helse. Forsikre deg om at du bruker organisk henna som ikke inneholder kjemikalier eller tilsetningsstoffer for å høste fordelene.
14 kilder
Stylecraze har strenge retningslinjer for innkjøp og er avhengig av fagfellevurderte studier, akademiske forskningsinstitusjoner og medisinske foreninger. Vi unngår å bruke tertiære referanser. Du kan lære mer om hvordan vi sikrer innholdet vårt er nøyaktig og oppdatert ved å lese redaksjonelle retningslinjer.- Strukturen i folks hår, PeerJ, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Premature Graying of Hair: Review with Updates, International Journal of Trichology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Three Streams for the Mechanism of Hair Graying, Annals of Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Herbal Based Hair Dye, The Open Dermatology Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Lawsonia Inermis Linn: A Plant with Cosmetic and Medical Benefits, International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, ResearchGate.
- Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigation of Lawsonia inermis L. leaf, Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, ResearchGate.
- Study of colouring effect of herbal hair formulations on graying hair, Pharmacognosy Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Lawsonia Inermis (Henna): A natural dye of various therapeutic uses – A review, Inventi Imact Cosmoceuticals, ResearchGate.
- Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Neutron activation analysis of essential elements in Multani mitti clay using miniature neutron source reactor, Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine, ResearchGate.
- Plant-based milk alternatives an emerging segment of functional beverages: a review, Journal of Food Science and Technology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Human hair growth enhancement in vitro by green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Phytomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- In vivo and in vitro evaluation of hair growth potential of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn, Journal of Enthnopharmacology, Academia.
- Side-effects of henna and semi-permanent ‘black henna’ tattoos: a full review. Contact Dermatitis, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.