- Innholdsfortegnelse
- Hva forårsaker underarmslukt?
- 14 hjemmemedisiner for underarmslukt
- 1. Eplecidereddik
- Du vil trenge
- Hva du må gjøre
- Hvor ofte du bør gjøre dette
- 2. Jod
- Du vil trenge
- Hva du må gjøre
- Hvor ofte du bør gjøre dette
- 3. Eteriske oljer
- en. Eterisk olje av lavendel
- Du vil trenge
- Hva du må gjøre
- How Often You Should Do This
- b. Tea Tree Oil
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 4. Witch Hazel
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 5. Baking Soda
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 6. Lemon Juice
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 7. Hydrogen Peroxide
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 8. Coconut Oil
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 9. Garlic
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 10. Aloe Vera
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 11. Boric Acid
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 12. Castor Oil
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 13. Epsom Salt
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 14. Potato
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- How To Stop Smelling Bad
- When To See A Doctor
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
- 26 sources
Den svettebeisede toppen og den stikkende lukten fra armhulene dine kan gjøre deg selvbevisst, selv om det er veldig vanlig for folk flest. Noen mennesker svetter naturlig mer enn andre fordi kroppslukt kan variere fra person til person. Og noen ganger, uansett hvor mye du dusjer, virker det bare meningsløst.
Selv om deodoranter i stor grad hjelper og får deg til å stinke mindre gjennom dagen, er det ikke en permanent løsning å bruke dem. Hvis du leter etter naturlige alternativer i motsetning til kjemiske baserte deodoranter og ønsker å oppnå langsiktige resultater, er denne artikkelen akkurat det du trenger. Du kan følge rettsmidlene nedenfor for å minimere lukten i armhulen.
Hva forårsaker underarmslukt?
14 hjemmemedisiner for underarmslukt
Hvordan slutte å lukte dårlig
Hva forårsaker underarmslukt?
Underarmslukt, som kroppslukt, er hovedsakelig knyttet til apokrine kjertler.
Disse kjertlene finnes ofte i kjønnsområdet, brystvortene, armhulene, brystene og ørene. Mens de er ansvarlige for utskillelsen av melk i brystene og ørevoks i ørene, hjelper de med utskillelsen av svette i kjønnsområdet, brystvortene og underarmene.
Det er svetten som produseres av disse kjertlene som gir lukt. Denne lukten, som noen ganger kan være illeluktende, er et resultat av at bakterier bryter ned den proteinrike svetten.
Underarmslukt blir også lagt merke til hos barn, som vanligvis ikke utvikler illeluktende kroppslukt. Men når de gjør det, kan det skyldes visse faktorer eller en underliggende medisinsk tilstand. Faktorene som fører til utvikling av kroppslukt hos barn er:
- Gravid pubertet
- Fiskelukt syndrom
- Syntetiske klær
- Flere svettekjertler
- Kosthold som består av stinkende mat som løk
- Medisinske tilstander som diabetes, fenylketonuri og hyperhidrose.
Uansett årsaken til de stinkende armhulene dine, kan du bli kvitt problemet ved å følge de enkle hjemmemedisinene som er diskutert nedenfor.
Tilbake til innholdsfortegnelsen
14 hjemmemedisiner for underarmslukt
- Eplecidereddik
- Jod
- Eterisk olje
- Witch Hazel eller Tea Tree Oil
- Bakepulver
- Sitronsaft
- Hydrogenperoksid
- Kokosolje
- Hvitløk
- Aloe Vera
- Borsyre
- Lakserolje
- Epsom salt
- Potet
1. Eplecidereddik
Eplecidereddik har antimikrobielle egenskaper (1). Dette kan nøytralisere miljøet i underarmområdet og hjelper til med å ødelegge de luktfremkallende bakteriene. Regelmessig bruk av eplecidereddik kan også bidra til å forhindre opphopning av bakterier.
Du vil trenge
- En liten bolle med eplecidereddik
- Bomullsdotter
Hva du må gjøre
- Ta litt eplecidereddik i en liten bolle.
- Dypp en bomullsdott i denne og påfør den direkte på underarmene.
Hvor ofte du bør gjøre dette
Gjør dette to ganger daglig - hver morgen etter et bad, og hver natt før du legger deg.
Tilbake til innholdsfortegnelsen
2. Jod
Jod har bakteriedrepende og antiseptiske egenskaper (2). Det kan hjelpe deg med å sterilisere armhulene og gjenopprette pH. Dette middelet kan hjelpe deg med å bli kvitt illeluktende underarm over tid.
Du vil trenge
- Noen få dråper jod
- En myk børste
Hva du må gjøre
- Ta noen få dråper jod og legg den på begge underarmene.
- Skrubb underarmene forsiktig med en myk børste.
- La blandingen stå i omtrent 3 minutter etter skrubbing, og fortsett deretter med dusjen.
Hvor ofte du bør gjøre dette
Gjør dette en gang daglig.
Tilbake til innholdsfortegnelsen
3. Eteriske oljer
en. Eterisk olje av lavendel
Lavendelolje brukes til å behandle ulike hud- og helseproblemer. Den behagelige duften hjelper til med å maskere lukten, og dens antibakterielle egenskaper dreper bakteriene som er tilstede i underarmene (3), (4).
Du vil trenge
- 4-5 dråper lavendel essensiell olje
- 1 glass vann
Hva du må gjøre
- Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a glass of water.
- Pour this into a spray bottle and spray directly on your underarms.
- Alternatively, you can also mix lavender oil with any carrier oil and apply it to your underarms.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this twice daily.
b. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the best remedies to combat underarm odor. It has astringent and antimicrobial properties (5), (6). It can help minimize the pores in your underarms and fight the odor-causing bacteria in the area.
Caution: Tea tree oil is extremely potent and can cause skin redness and irritation. Do a patch test before using this remedy.
You Will Need
- 2 drops of tea tree oil
- 2 tablespoons of water
- Cotton pads
What You Have To Do
- Add two drops of tea tree oil to two tablespoons of water.
- Using a cotton pad, apply this mixture to both your underarms.
- You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to a bottle of water and use it as a spray.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this twice daily for effective results.
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4. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is another great remedy that works as a natural antiperspirant. It has astringent and antibacterial properties (7). It can help lower the pH of your skin, thereby killing the odor-causing bacteria and combating underarm odor.
You Will Need
- A few drops of witch hazel
- Cotton balls
What You Have To Do
- Take a few drops of witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply it directly to your underarms.
- Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of witch hazel in water and use it as a natural antiperspirant.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this every morning and evening.
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5. Baking Soda
Baking soda can help in keeping your underarms dry and sweat-free. Its antibacterial properties can help fight the bacteria that cause the foul smell (8), (9).
You Will Need
- 1 tablespoon of baking soda
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
What You Have To Do
- Mix baking soda and lemon juice in equal quantities.
- Apply it directly to your underarms and leave it on for about 2 to 3 minutes.
- Take a shower.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily for a few weeks.
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6. Lemon Juice
Lemons are highly acidic and possess bactericidal properties (10), (11). This can help reduce the pH of your skin and also makes it uninhabitable for the odor-causing bacteria.
You Will Need
1/2 lemon
What You Have To Do
- Take half a lemon and rub it directly on your underarms.
- Leave the juice on until it dries and then wash it off with water.
- If you have sensitive skin, you can mix the juice of half a lemon with half a cup of water and apply the mixture to your underarms using a cotton ball.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
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7. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for its antiseptic properties (12). It can kill the bacteria that are causing your underarms to stink.
You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1 cup of water
- Cotton pads
What You Have To Do
- Take a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and add it to a cup of water.
- Soak a cotton pad in this solution and wipe your underarms with it.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this whenever you sweat profusely.
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8. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, which are powerful antimicrobial agents (13), (14). It can keep the odor-causing bacteria at bay and restore the pH of your skin.
You Will Need
Coconut oil (as required)
What You Have To Do
- Take some coconut oil on your fingers and apply it directly to your underarms.
- Leave it on until it is absorbed.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this 1 to 2 times daily, preferably just after taking a bath.
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9. Garlic
As surprising as it may sound, garlic consumption may reduce body odor (15). This could probably be due to its excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
You Will Need
Garlic (as required)
What You Have To Do
- Chew on some garlic cloves every day.
- If the strong flavor bothers you, just add some minced garlic to your daily diet.
- You may also consider taking garlic supplements after consulting your doctor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this daily.
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10. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a rich source of antioxidants and has antibacterial properties (16). This makes it one of the best remedies for eliminating underarm odor. While aloe vera juice can help detox your body and reduce the foul-smelling odor, its topical application can eliminate the bacteria responsible for causing smelly underarms (17).
You Will Need
Aloe vera gel (as required)
What You Have To Do
- Take a little aloe vera gel on your fingers and apply it directly to your underarms.
- Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning.
- You can also drink about one-fourth cup of aloe vera juice daily.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
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11. Boric Acid
Boric acid is acidic and bacteriostatic (18), (19). It can reduce the pH of your skin, thus making the survival of bacteria difficult. This can prove to be quite helpful in getting rid of foul-smelling underarms.
You Will Need
Boric acid (as required)
What You Have To Do
Take a little boric acid and dust it on your underarms daily.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 1 to 2 times a day, preferably after a shower.
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12. Castor Oil
Castor oil is derived from the castor plant and is used for its wide range of benefits. One of its surprising benefits is its ability to reduce foul-smelling odor. The credit for this could be given to the antibacterial properties it possesses (20). This can keep the odor-causing bacteria at bay.
You Will Need
Castor oil
What You Have To Do
- Take some castor oil and apply it to both the underarms.
- Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this daily.
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13. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt usually promotes perspiration to help your body release any toxins that could be responsible for causing foul body odor (21). It also helps eliminate odor (22).
You Will Need
- 1 cup of Epsom salt
- Bathwater
What You Have To Do
- Add a cup of Epsom salt to your bathwater.
- Soak in the water for 15 to 20 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this every alternate day.
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14. Potato
Potatoes can help control perspiration and also kill the bacteria present in your underarms by lowering the pH of your skin. This is because potatoes are slightly acidic and possess antimicrobial properties (23), (24).
You Will Need
1 potato
What You Have To Do
- Take a potato and cut it into thin slices.
- Rub a slice directly on your underarms and allow it to dry.
- Apply your deodorant over it.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 1 to 2 times daily.
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How To Stop Smelling Bad
- Shower at least once daily.
- Use a good antibacterial soap.
- Use freshly laundered towels after each bath.
- Use a good deodorant or antiperspirant.
- Opt for natural clothing made of wool or cotton.
- Wear loose-fitted and moisture-wicking clothes.
- Keep your underarm hair trimmed. This can significantly reduce armpit smell (25).
- Stay away from smelly foods like curries and onions.
- Consume more fruits, vegetables, chicken, and fish.
- Drink lots of water.
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When To See A Doctor
Despite using multiple treatments, remedies, and tips, if the underarm odor persists, seek medical help. Consult a healthcare provider to know the underlying cause of the condition.
These remedies and tips can go a long way in helping you get rid of foul-smelling underarms for good. If your problem persists, it is important to get a thorough medical check-up done to diagnose the condition causing the problem.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
What does it mean when your body odor changes?
If your odor smells different, it could hint at an underlying medical condition. A sweet-smelling odor could be a sign of diabetes due to high levels of ketones in your blood, while a bleach-like smell could be an indication of liver or kidney disease.
Which soap works best for underarm odor?
You can use any skin-friendly antibacterial or deodorant soap to get rid of underarm odor. The deodorant products that have citrus extracts can help reduce the armpit smell effectively.
What diseases can cause bad body odor?
Medical conditions that are known to cause bad body odor are:
• Diabetes
• Thyroid problems
• Kidney or liver dysfunction
• Genetic disorders like trimethylaminuria (26)
Does dry skin affect your odor?
Dry skin rarely causes body odor. In fact, when your skin is dry, it becomes harder for the bacteria that are living on your skin to break down your sweat into acids.
Is armpit odor sexually attractive?
Yes, certain body odors are indeed connected to sexual attraction. Humans subconsciously choose a potential mate based on body odor.
26 sources
Stylecraze har strenge retningslinjer for innkjøp og er avhengig av fagfellevurderte studier, akademiske forskningsinstitusjoner og medisinske foreninger. Vi unngår å bruke tertiære referanser. Du kan lære mer om hvordan vi sikrer innholdet vårt er nøyaktig og oppdatert ved å lese redaksjonelle retningslinjer.- Eddik: Medisinsk bruk og antiglykemisk effekt, Medscape General Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Antiseptiske midler og desinfeksjonsmidler: Aktivitet, handling og motstand, kliniske mikrobiologiske anmeldelser, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Biological activities of lavender essential oil, Phytotherapy Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Aromatherapy With Essential Oils (PDQ®), PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties, Clinical Microbiology Reviews, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A review of applications of tea tree oil in dermatology, International Journal of Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and formulations of white tea, rose, and witch hazel on primary human dermal fibroblast cells, Journal of Inflammation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Antimicrobial Activity of Sodium Bicarbonate, Journal of Food Science, Wiley Online Library
- Antibacterial activity of baking soda, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Phytochemical, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of different citrus juice concentrates, Food Science & Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Bactericidal activity of lemon juice and lemon derivatives against Vibrio cholerae, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: A Potential Wound Therapeutic Target? Medical Principles and Practice, Health Science Centre, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Virgin Coconut Oil and Its Antimicrobial Properties against Pathogenic Microorganisms: A Review, Journal of Research in Health Sciences, ResearchGate.
- Consumption of garlic positively affects hedonic perception of axillary body odour, Appetite, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Antibacterial activities and antioxidant capacity of Aloe vera, Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Are biopolymers potential deodourising agents in wound management? Journal of Wound Care, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions of boric acid against bacteria and fungi commonly found in urine, Journal of Clinical Pathology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- BASIC study: is intravaginal boric acid non-inferior to metronidazole in symptomatic bacterial vaginosis? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiproliferative activities of crude protein extracts isolated from the seed of Ricinus communis in Bangladesh, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The Use Of Epsom Salts, Historically Considered, Canada Medical Association Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Pharmaceutical Influences of Epsom Salts, American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics.
- Antimicrobial activity of potato juice, ResearchGate.
- Antimicrobial activity of potato aspartic proteases (StAPs) involves membrane permeabilization, Microbiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A comparative clinical study of different hair removal procedures and their impact on axillary odor reduction in men, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Trimethylaminuria, Genetics Home Reference, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.